
Guess Who Got an Award?

I did, that's who. This is the first step to internet stardom, I tell you. Some day, I shall be famous, and you shall all be my slaves, and I will have an army of mindless drones at my disposal!

Hmm. That wasn't very polite of me to tell you that. Since I'm to lazy to just hold down the backspace key for a few seconds, I'll find out wear you live, come to your house, and Mind Sparkle you.

Anyways, I'm sure you're all wondering what award I could possibly get. (I don't get many awards, because awards are given to people who conform to rubrics. Who wants to conform to a rubric?? Not me!) (Okay, actually, I have gotten my fair share of awards, and people why despise and envy my mad skills, but that's besides the point, because they're never the kinds of awards I like that much.) (Now, I should stop rambling, and tell you what I won.) I won an award from a supposedly psychotic lady who randomly found this comic-blog! Yaaaayy . . . . . okay, whatever. I don't feel like cheering at the moment. This is the post of the person who gave me this award. Click on it. Or not. Whatever.

Yesh. Someone digs my comic-blog. No one digs my blog, of course, because who wants to know about my life? Psh. Now, because this is a COMIC-blog, I shall post a picture. Edit: WAIT. I think I have to tell you three strange things about me. 1.) My moods range from calm and contemplative to spazzy. SPAZZY, man. Like, worse than you just read. You think that was bad? PSH. 2.) The noise I make when something is preposterous or just silly is 'psh'. 3.) I like to sing. I'll probably post a link if I ever get around to actually posting anything on my YouTube account.

1 comment:

  1. Did you just sort of dis a reader who gave you an award?! Hmmmm. Maybe you are a Spaz.


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